The insides of atoms determine whether something is sweet, smelly or smooth; the
insides of seeds contain all the information necessary to make sunflowers bloom;
the insides of planets determine whether they have mountains, earthquakes, magnetic
fields. But insides and outsides can be both complex and confusing. A mobius strip
curls around on itself so that inside and outside are the same; that 3-
For our October 28th Categorically Not, Caltech mathematician Danny Calegari will
talk about how intuitive ideas about inside and outside are formalized in mathematics,
and how, once these ideas have been made precise, they become a jumping off point
for generalizations or more sophisticated variants. Sometimes the results are surprising:
circles in the plane can't be turned inside out, but spheres in 3-
Moving into the mind, science writer Sandy Blakeslee of the New York Times and her
science writer son Matt (co-
For a theatrical perspective, Nancy Keystone, director of the Critical Mass Performance
Group, will show how actors internalize ideas and then express them through the body.
Nancy has created award-
Borders & Boundaries |