Normally we think of space as an empty canvas--bland, passive and static. But Einstein
taught us that space is elastic; it can wiggle and warp; bend light; cause objects
to fall to the ground. Modern day physicists envision universes with up to 10 dimensions
of space folded into complex shapes like so much Origami. Actors, athletes and dancers
also explore space, using their bodies to make space palpable, filling it with structure,
tension and emotion. Most basically, spaces are the places we inhabit; they can bring
us together or keep us apart. The space we’re in determines, to a large extent, both
our perspectives and our possibilities.
For our October Categorically Not! Case Western Reserve University physicist Lawrence
Krauss, author of the popular books The Physics of Star Trek, Atom, and most recently
Hiding in the Mirror, will explore our longstanding love-affair with the idea that
there is more out there--literally--than meets the eye, perhaps tucked away in extra
spatial dimensions. From a more down to earth perspective, USC geographer Michael
Dear, who has just completed a 4,000-mile exploration of the US-Mexico border, will
talk about the way we create “place” out of “space” in our personal lives, communities
and our world. Without geography, he wisely says, there would be no society. Bringing
in the artistic dimension, we have Margo K. Apostolos, Director of Dance at the University
of Southern California and former NASA Faculty Fellow at JPL; Margo works not only
with human dancers and athletes, but also (dancing?) robots. She will discuss dance
as an art of space, time and motion.